Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Detest non veg the ultimate weakness

पर सामाजिक व्यवस्था की जरूरत हो 

तो मना नही कर पा रहा... ulimate greed at the cost of life... While championing life itself

अब भी

वही करना है🙏🏽

सम्पूर्ण veg🙏🏽🙏🏽

कुछ बोलूंगा तो हिल जाओगे🙏🏽

सोचोगए पागलपन आया है मुझपे

दंग रह जाओगे

Non veg खाने का सोच के

कितना निर्दयी हूं

की क्या पाप किया है

जो किसी प्राणी जीव आत्मा को खाने की नौबत आई मेरी

उस प्राणी के आखरी क्षण आंखों के सामने आने लगा है

उस जीव प्राणी की लाचार आंखे मुझे बचाने को देख रही - ऐसा भाव 

ऐसे और बहुत से विचार जो मुझे एक पाप भरी मृत्यु की तरफ धकेल रही है मुझे 


यह बात सम्पूर्ण रूप से समझते हुवे

सम्पूर्ण रूप से जानते हुवे

कि, सौर्य ऊर्जा से प्रज्वलित veg items ही मनुष्य मात्र जीव के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ है 

एकमात्र खुराक है सूर्य देव के ज्योत से पनपे veg items adequate है

सब ज्ञान से अभिभूत होते हुवे भी non veg से अपने को दूर नही कर पा रहा यह मेरे जीव प्राण को संकुचित कर रहा है 🙏🏽

किसी को यह बात नही बता पा रहा

मेरे दिल प्राण में जो ग्लानि है वह मुझे अंदर से खा रहा है 

सही में खा रहा है

जीवित रहते हुए ही

उन प्राण की तरह feel कर रहा हूँ 

जिनके अंतिम समय मे उन्हें समझ जाता है 

की उनकी प्राण ली जाने वाली है और उनकी बेबसी उन मुहूर्तों में

Thursday, December 2, 2021

17 Nov 2021 Farewell at Dockyard Officers Mess, Mumbai

Rear Admiral B Sivakumar, ASD, 

Heads of Departments, my superiors and colleagues....

चञ्चलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम्‌ ... this is how Arjuna starts to address Krishna when he speaks to Krishna  of the uncontrollable mind. I'm a mere mortal who is compelled to read a written script to ensure that I do not digress in the variety of thoughts and emotions of the past 35 years. 

I thank you all for your presence and especially Commodore Vikas Chawla, AGM(P&A) for the kind words of Introduction.

You represent the innumerable officers who have trained, taught, influenced, advised and supported me in all these years.

I place an extremely high value on sharing collective knowledge. 

My Experience in the service, stated explicitly - are as follows:

• Serious lack of fearlessness while performing official and profesional duties.

• Many amongst us are working hard and sincerely; but without intent.  

• A large majority are averse to decision making 

• Most of us do not invest enough - in training subordinates on the job

Therefore towards our commitment to Maa-Bharati I request you; to forever remain fearless, work with intent, take decisions and rigorously train your team in all aspects. 

Inevitable part of a farewel discourse ... are what are the future plans 

• Travel nationally. 

• Travel Internationally.

• By travelling, I wish to undertake a journey to discover my own self.

This is also an occassion to express regret. The one thing which I was told very early (and repeatedly) - yet I failed to respond adequately - is the balance between work & family.  I confess, I harbour the feeling that maybe I did not maintain adequate balance towards my family. 

I shall fail in my duty if I do not specifically and especially mention Rear Admiral B Sivakumar, for being a sterling example of all that I always wished, a superior and a colleague to be.

Wishing you, your respective families and teams...

- Fair winds, Following seas and ample fathoms below your respective bottoms. 

Once again, I thank you all for your presence.

Komalika's Message on Retirement

 35 Years 

It has been a memorable and crazy journey with the Indian navy. 


The past 20 years of my life have not been a piece of cake but in that time the only constant thing in my life was the Navy. With moving to different states, changing schools at least 7 times and one question that would make anyone interested in what I had to say “so what does your dad do?” 


I will always be eternally grateful to my father for giving me a life that allowed me to experience new things and definitely awakened the explorer in me. More importantly I am grateful that the navy taught me how to adapt and that sometimes things do have to end, so that the new adventure can begin. 


And to my old man 

You have had an exceptional career. As you like to say, one that the cosmos conspired to make sure that you would pursue.  You have been on a journey that has not taught not only you but us many lessons about life. It’s such an honour when people come up to me and tell me how you’ve changed the course of their lives. 

You’re my greatest inspiration and continue to be even if you’ve now exchanged your uniform for beach shorts. 


It has been an incredible ride. I wish you the best as you set sail for new horizons. 


Fair winds and Following Seas