Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Avinash Nichkawde : Sunday morning reminiscence.

Avinash Nichkawde, was an 'Alpha male' before the phrase was born in linguistic architecture. I suspect it was coined specifically for him. 

Flashback 1980. Our 'house' (Ahilya, if I recollect correctly) was looking for someone to participate in the high jump event. Unlike 4x100 etc where the blame of being beaten by Avinash's team could be distributed to many individuals, it would not be possible in a high-jump event. 

As described in the previous Mathuranath Sanskrit recitation episode, I have held this distinction of being elected / selected for all unwilling events. So, lo and behold, I was the 'nominated volunteer' for representing the house.

It is much later in life I found out, such nominations are made by teachers / bosses to score brownie points with higher bosses (Mr. Naeem in this case). 

_See, we didn't let a walk over happen_  or _I motivated a young fella to take up the challenge_ 

In any case I was sent for a toss or a high jump, if you please. 

I, true to my own motivations and emerging Carl Lewis की कसम type, practiced for the big day. Of course, I was staying 16 km away from school with no facilities.  I guess I was confident that Avinash had this distinct disadvantage of not having home food and as a hostel boarder and being next to the high jump pit would only make him take it easy. I was fuelled by the hare and tortoise tale.

Cometh the day and cometh the hour, I was in the classroom, doing what I was good at : looking vacantly through the teacher and through the blackboard too. Someone came and informed, that I was to report to the high jump pit for the inter-house competition. I was shocked! I wanted to study. Now. Like I've never needed education more. The teacher permitted and I left reluctantly. *That day, the world lost a great academic in the making.*

The place was full! With girls too!!

Will the shame be mine! 

Avinash was dressed for the occassion. You know, the shorts, shorter than anything I had seen. I was not undressed either. I was wearing the loose full-pant! 

I vaguely remember some teachers (Mr. Gangajaliwale or Mr. Sherekar I do not recollect) asking me if I had something more sporty. I wondered, what could be more honorable than wearing the school uniform. I just had to jump, right; not swim! 

The competition started. There were more participants than I had guessed. Obviously other teachers too had made the efforts to shine their respective self appraisal. 

The others competitors quickly fell through. Only me and the great Khali were left at the pit. At one point Avinash tipped the bar and I cleared!! I WAS THE WORLD. Then the Rules came into play. They always do, when you are winning, right. Wrong. 

In high jump, competitors are allowed three attempts to clear a height. For the naughty minds, I was doing the Straddle while Avinash was doing the (Dick) Fosbury (what else!) technique.

In the next jump, Avinash soared over the bar by a mile. I knew my fate. I've no memories of the next height jump. On the appointed day we  collected our prizes.

Ever since, I've held, that coming second is way better than coming first. During my training at Naval Academy this theory was PROVEN. If if you came in the first enclosure after a long distance run, you were subjected to more 'training' till the last enclosure boys reached many minutes later. वो कहानी फिर सही.

Avinash, wishing you a happy wedding on 19 April 2024 (I will vote for you). 

Best wishes from a Best man.