Saturday, August 27, 2022

Notes on Article

 Bravo ! This is very fresh approach. 

The context avoids the issues of 'nationalism' and 'religion centric' discourse. 

I dare say, the diverse and disparate nature of India precludes 'objective and a text' type mass movements and civil war. 

What endangers india today is the spontaneous nature of movement a-la Anna Hazare. 

The 'unemployable' unemployed in India today are the crucible; fomented by a 'Whatsapp culture' of unverified and unsubstantiated 'call'. Fortunately, the 'Agniveer' movement was limited due to the generally 'educated' and 'well-to-do' nature of the misguided participants. 

The diversity of 'sociogical nature of people' of India also precludes various leadership rungs required for an unsettling movement. The inherent 'peaceful' / 'minding-own-business' nature of the Indians too provides a certain cushion from rapidly spreading 'movement'. 

The days of armchair-intelligentsia spreading calumny against the state too is on the wane due to the comforts that the air conditioned armchair brings. The 'tools' used in the past quickly get unraveled in the social media today. The world is flat! That is the precise reason for the intelligentsia from hiring foot soldiers. 

I believe, for India, the clear and present danger, the real cause of worry, lies in  is the religious polarity coming into play.

The author's dependence on history is creditable, and it's outcome for future movements - aided (specifically) by changing technology - is expected to be seen in future / follow up article(s).



Too much history... not woven with the headline... did not dovetail into a conclusion... 🙏🏽

A follow up article is required....

You could have specifically mentioned the Anna Hazare, Farmers and Agniveer ... 

The emergence of goons in Legislature and decline of the 'romantic' idealism of the intelligentsia are contributory .... in addition to the marginal improvement in lifestyle of the masses ...


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