Saturday, August 28, 2021


 We were in possession of two plots. 

Plot 39 has house

Plot 38 was vacant

Government acquired land.

This means BOTH house and vacant land acquired bt Govt.


For the acquisition the Govt has to pay compensation. 

If the compensation is not satisfactory, we can go to the courts.

Therefore approaching the courts is NOT for return of house or plot, but to ENHANCE the compensation. 

If indeed the compensation was paid then we would have NO CHOICE but to vacate and leave. 

In the present case, an EXTRAORDINARY decision has been taken by the Govt  and house plot has been returned (with some additional land to cover the room built after the original house. 

Original Total area of both plots is = 443.98 sqm

Now new area 268 sqm

Diff = 176 loss sqm

BUT the vacant land HAS not been returned... which is a loss. 

Now, the options are:

1. Request to Govt and Mohan to return our balance land.

This will most likely not happen, as all people who did not have house, will ask the same.

2. Get in touch with someone and ensure the vacant plot is not given to any human being. 

3. Buy out the plot from whoever gets it, at whatever cost he asks. 

4. Wait and watch. And continue to enjoy the fruits till some time.

All the options require plenty of engagement... Letter writing .... engaging the lawyer... Etc

That's it.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Address to the Students of Saint Theresa's Institute of Education

 Students of Saint Theresa's Institute of Education,

I join you all in celebrating our 75th Independence Day.

It makes me immensely proud
to see our national flag being hoisted
in the precincts of Saint Theresa's Institute of Education.
I congratulate the Principal, the faculty,
the administrative staff and especially the students
on this grand occasion.

It is my singular privilege to address you all
on this auspicious occasion.

Right from our childhood we are aware,
that Independence day is celebrated
with grandeur, fervor, and enthusiasm.

In our primary classes, despite our young age,
a sense of anticipation builds up.

We observe a flurry of activities amongst our teachers.

There is perceptible change of routine.

There is spring in the feet of senior students.

Teachers organizing groups of students
to undertake multifarious tasks……..[pause]

And then the day comes :
we hear patriotic songs being played,
decorations put up,
neatly dressed and lined up school friends,
the hoisting of the national flag,
the singing of the national anthem.

The sense of pride - welling up in our hearts
and maybe a few tears of joy.

We in the Indian Navy hoist the Naval flag daily
– we call it the Naval Ensign –
with all the attended ceremonies.

And I have attended these ensign hoisting ceremony
hundreds of times in my 30 year service career.
I must tell you – even today - I get the goose pimples
and the pride welling up in my heart,
that I am a warrior for my nation.

Yesterday, today, forever; till my last breath.

This sense - which we all develop –
right from our childhood, my dear students,
must forever remain in your hearts.

This, in its essence, is freedom.
The fragrance of freedom to breathe-in deeply.
The freedom to exchange our views.
The freedom to express our thoughts.
Freedom to speak, act and pursue happiness.

None of it is possible if we
- as a nation - are not free.

You are all aware that out country has
a very rich historical and culture legacy
transcending thousands of years.

However, none of the things
that I said about freedom
was possible since the 16th century till 15 Aug 1947.

That is a very very long time.

Therefore, gaining freedom
and celebrating it,
is such a wonderful occasion of joy.

To cherish this freedom we, as a nation
dedicated to ourselves
: an absolutely wonderful Constitution.

The challenge of freedom is : to maintain it.
: to remain united to enjoy our freedom.
The challenge of freedom is : to remain vigilant forever.
: to be strong ….. so strong,
that no force on earth can even attempt
to break our unity and deprive us of our freedom.

We must be very-very aware :
that innumerable ancestors of our
have suffered tyranny,
endured unspeakable sufferings
and fought hard to achieve this freedom.

Similarly the challenge of maintaining the freedom
Since 1947, too has cost us causalities.

It was rightly said by our first prime minister
“To be secure on Land, we must be Supreme at Sea”.

This famous quote always reminds us
that we are primarily a Maritime Nation.

A strong navy is an important element
of every Maritime Nation.

India has a coast line of about 7500 km
and an Exclusive Economic Zone
of over 2 million sq kms.

In addition, we are endowed with
abundant oceanic wealth
comprising a large number of island territories
and vast sea bed area.

We must protect our natural wealth
and keep our trade routes open
in order to progress.

It is therefore, imperative
that India maintains a strong Navy
which is always in a high state of preparedness.

Little wonder then, the Indian Navy
is so-relevant-to-us-all !

Of all the diverse elements
that go into the making of a strong and effective Navy,
no-single-factor - is as important as
its men-and-women behind the machines.

For the Navy to be world class,
it requires top rate warriors.

Therefore, to be a strong nation
each one of us must be a warrior.

The responsibility of keeping the nation safe
is not only of the warriors
on the physical borders of the country.

The responsibility of keeping the nation safe
- is also - that of the warriors-within-the-country.

You are all aware, this concept
of warriors-within-the-country
has gained spotlight and enhanced importance
after we have been besieged by a global pandemic.

You all are aware,
that a large number of skills and professions
have been recognized as Covid-19 warriors.

However, the warriors of maintaining
the country's balance and progress
are in-all-spheres-of-our-lives.

Therefore, dear students,
never – ever think that you are not contributing
to the cause of the nation.

Your reason and purpose of life
must be nation building.
You must believe and act accordingly.

Whichever profession you choose : make sure
you have a national-cause attached to it.
Never-ever feel small or insignificant
about your contribution to nation building.

Be a warrior in the field of education or banking.
Be a warrior in providing services.
Be a warrior in the field of your choosing.

But remember, being a warrior is a state of mind.
For being a warrior you do not need
to be at war with anyone or anything.

Being a warrior means
to keep the fire within you alive
- of keeping the nation safe – through your work.

Being a warrior means :
being vigilant of the impact
of your personal and professional conduct.

Being a warrior means :
maintaining your integrity and honour
towards your country intact – at all costs.

Being a warrior means :
ensuring an atmosphere of unity
at your place of work and society.

Being a warrior means to be at peace –
with your own nation –
which has given you an identity.

You only need to be sincere and honorable –
in your intent and purpose - towards your nation.

When you do so, you will automatically
spread patriotism in your work space
and in the community you live.

Therefore, you will understand
We in the Indian Navy
remain steadfast in our resolve
To the code of Duty - Honour - Courage

So, how to be a warrior ?

I describe 'absence of fear'
as the fundamental necessity for being a warrior.

Good human beings have numerous qualities.
But some of the qualities are divine.

First and foremost amongst all divine qualities
is fear-less-ness.

Absence of fear is the surest way to be happy
in your mind and spirit.

Dear students - it my sincere request to you
to identify your fears. Accept them.
And then; go about training your mind
to see - how far you can move away from your fears.

It is only when
you confront, handle, manage your fears :
will you be able to take pride in yourself.
It is only then you will believe in your own self –
with your own abilities –
and have a clear mind of a warrior.

Your lack of fear will give you
unimaginable moral and spiritual strength.

Your fear-less-ness
will give you an aura of cheerfulness.
Your friends will be the first know,
that you are the one
who does not lie, cheat or live in falsehood.

Only then ….. and then only …. will you be ready
for being the warrior
that the nation expects you to be
in whatever field you choose.

So we the warriors in the Indian Navy
– in our own way – contribute to maintain
the freedom of the nation.

We draw our strength from
a very rich maritime heritage.

A study of the country's maritime history reveals
that the Indian sub-continent exercised supremacy
over the Indian Ocean from
atleast 2000 BC up to the 13th century.

Indians took to the sea for trade and commerce
rather than for political or military ends.
Thus, the period up to about 16th century
witnessed peaceful sea-borne commerce,
cultural and traditional exchange between countries.

The Indian Ocean has always been regarded –
by the world - as an area of great significance and
India-is-central to this Ocean.

Freedom of India is directly related
to the safety and security of its trade routes.

Around 95% (I repeat 95%)
of India's trading by volume
and 70% by value
is done through maritime routes.

It is the primary responsibility of the Indian Navy
to keep the sea trade routes
of our country
safe and secure.

Matters of safety and security
especially of maritime routes
– all over the world – has always
remained uppermost
in the minds of nation builders.

It is such a serious challenge
that no one can overlook it
for the slightest of time.

Just the other day, on 09 Aug,
the Prime Minister of India,
chaired the United Nations Security Council debate
on Global Maritime Security.

In his address the PM laid down 5 principles
needed for Global Maritime Security.

You all are aware that on the long coastline of India
there are many major ports like in Mumbai,
Kandla, Goa, Mangalore, Kochi, Kolkata,
Paradip, Visakhapatnam and Chennai

In addition there are about 200 other ports.

The protection of Indian merchant ships,
as well as the responsibility
of ensuring the safety of shipping routes
within the Indian Ocean region rests
with the Indian Navy.

We must not forget, that Indians constitute
one of the largest merchant ship crew in the world.

To provide this kind of safety the Indian Navy has
bases all across the coastline
including in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

The Indian Navy has hundreds of ships,
aircraft and submarines
to ensure that the freedom of trade for India
and in the entire Indian Ocean is maintained.

But who are these thousands of people
who are working in the Indian Navy !!

They are just like you all.

We in the Indian navy strongly believe :
The more you sweat in peacetime,
the less you shall bleed in war.

Therefore, training to be the warrior,
training to remain the warrior and
training to deliver as the warrior
is a continuous and unrelenting process
in the indian Navy.

The basic idea being : to always remain ahead
of your adversary. Always.

You must know; that not everyone
who work in the Indian navy
wear a white uniform
like the one I am wearing.

Almost half of the strength of the Indian Navy –
are non uniformed personnel.
They too are spread far and wide
and contribute directly
to the war-fighting capability
of the Indian Navy.

Indian Navy is NOT A JOB. It is a service.

Not only in times of war
but during unfortunate challenges such as
floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes;
the Navy is called upon
for rescue and relief operations.

Indian Navy offers a unique way
of exploring your life
and provide ample opportunities
to explore your potential
in every sphere of life.

Apart from learning valuable new skills
you acquire unrivalled experience
and core leadership skills…..

You shoulder greater responsibilities
of managing large and more complex
teams and equipment.

Every single thing that you learn –
benefits you beyond the Navy and
in your everyday life.

I will share an open secret.

The Indian Navy, also undertakes adventure activities
in the deserts and mountains,
in car and motorcycle rallies.

We get to swim in the middle of open seas,
visit the vast and untouched beaches
undertake parachute jumps,
fly hang gliders and micro-lite aircraft,
interact with people across the globe
all … whilst being on the job.

This is only possible
because the country enjoys freedom.

And we are free today
because of the past sacrifices of our warriors.

Therefore, today….. I urge you,
that whenever you hear this song ….
pause and reflect:
ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों, ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी
जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

In the comity of nations
the name of our motherland has always remained high.

It is for us, the present generation,
to ensure that the dignity that comes from freedom
remains intact, eternally.

We in the Indian Navy continue to remain pledged
and resolved towards that goal.

Students of Saint Theresa's Institute of Education
join me in saying Jai Hind three times !!
