Tuesday, September 20, 2022

मंत्रोच्चार में कोई कमी ना रखें

 ** मंत्र का अर्थ है, एक शुद्ध ध्वनि ** 

मंत्रोच्चार में कोई कमी ना रखें | 

कदापि | 

 *मुख से मंत्र ध्वनि सही ना निकाल सकें तो मंत्र को मन में पढ़ें या सुनें* | 

यह उदाहरण सर्वश्रेष्ठ है. 

रावण के चंडी पाठ में यज्ञ कर रहे ब्राह्मणों की सेवा में ब्राह्मण बालक का रूप धारण कर हनुमानजी सेवाकार्य करने लगे।

हनुमानजी की नि:स्वार्थ सेवा से प्रसन्न होकर ब्राह्मणों ने हनुमानजी से वर माँगने को कहा। इस पर हनुमान ने आदरपूर्वक कहा कि प्रभु, यदि आप प्रसन्न हैं तो जिस मंत्र से यज्ञ कर रहे हैं, उसका *एक अक्षर* बदलने का मैं आपसे निवेदन कर रहा हूं।

हवन में लगे हुए ब्राह्मण हनुमानजी की मंशा को समझ नहीं सके और उन्होंने उनको तथास्तु कह दिया। 

मंत्रोच्चार में हनुमानजी ने कहा कि आप जयादेवी भूर्तिहरिणी में ' *ह* ' के स्थान पर ' *क* ' का उच्चारण करे। यह मेरी इच्छा है। 

इसका अर्थ है *भूर्तिहरिणी* यानी कि प्राणियों की पीड़ा हरने वाली और ' *_करिणी_* ' का अर्थ हो गया प्राणियों को पीड़ित करने वाली, जिससे देवी रुष्ट हो गईं और रावण को पराजित कर उसका विनाश कर दिया। 

हनुमानजी ने श्लोक में ' *ह* ' की जगह ' *क* ' करवाकर रावण के यज्ञ को सर्वकल्याण की जगह सर्वनाश में बदल दिया।

*मुख से मंत्र ध्वनि सही ना निकाल सकें तो मंत्र को मन में पढ़ें या सुनें* |

Monday, September 5, 2022

Hiding Behind the Pelorus Ship's Illumination


कभी एकांत में सोचता हूँ.... 1990 के दशक की बात.... 

Wardroom me Proceedings और कुछ अन्य futuristic विदेशी magazine....

और साथ ही पढ़ रहा हूँ Tom Clancy और Future Shock जैसी किताबें .... 

और असलियत में भाग ले रहा हूं exercise me, कि, how to illuminate ship to pass off as a merchant man..... 

बचपन बीत गया और भी चोर पुलिस का खेल रहा हूं.... ऐसा लगता था.... 

बेचारे LO की दशा आज भी याद आती है

 *उन दिनों मेरी परिस्थिति विडंबना की रही होगी या विरोधाभास की*

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Capt Chafekar One Man Army


Serial 181

Erroneous year 

Actual year of training under Captain Chafekar  is 1986

Saint Theresa College Independence


Saturday, August 27, 2022

Notes on Article

 Bravo ! This is very fresh approach. 

The context avoids the issues of 'nationalism' and 'religion centric' discourse. 

I dare say, the diverse and disparate nature of India precludes 'objective and a text' type mass movements and civil war. 

What endangers india today is the spontaneous nature of movement a-la Anna Hazare. 

The 'unemployable' unemployed in India today are the crucible; fomented by a 'Whatsapp culture' of unverified and unsubstantiated 'call'. Fortunately, the 'Agniveer' movement was limited due to the generally 'educated' and 'well-to-do' nature of the misguided participants. 

The diversity of 'sociogical nature of people' of India also precludes various leadership rungs required for an unsettling movement. The inherent 'peaceful' / 'minding-own-business' nature of the Indians too provides a certain cushion from rapidly spreading 'movement'. 

The days of armchair-intelligentsia spreading calumny against the state too is on the wane due to the comforts that the air conditioned armchair brings. The 'tools' used in the past quickly get unraveled in the social media today. The world is flat! That is the precise reason for the intelligentsia from hiring foot soldiers. 

I believe, for India, the clear and present danger, the real cause of worry, lies in  is the religious polarity coming into play.

The author's dependence on history is creditable, and it's outcome for future movements - aided (specifically) by changing technology - is expected to be seen in future / follow up article(s).



Too much history... not woven with the headline... did not dovetail into a conclusion... 🙏🏽

A follow up article is required....

You could have specifically mentioned the Anna Hazare, Farmers and Agniveer ... 

The emergence of goons in Legislature and decline of the 'romantic' idealism of the intelligentsia are contributory .... in addition to the marginal improvement in lifestyle of the masses ...



Thursday, May 5, 2022

Komalika Health

 You continue to smoke and drink. 

Maybe not regularly 

But you do... even if in spells.

This is a major cause of concern for us. Your illegal access to weed is of special concern.

It is evident from your bearing and physical condition. For all her faults, Mother CANNOT be wrong, when it is a matter of health. Even today my mother picks up the SLIGHTEST of my health issues. I back mom 100% in her description of your physical well being.

You are easily predisposed and inclined towards smoking and drinking.

We have ZERO tolerance towards accepting it.

The mere fact it is written at this time, is,  giving us sleepless nights.

Say NO to it all whilst in Goa. Inability to say NO - on these count - may be your weakness.

These are proven symptoms of people unsure of themselves. 

Saying 'Yes' when actually you want to say NO. 

Not knowing what to do when all others are indulging is weakness too.

I've a lot of faith in your abilities but you easily gravitating towards illegal and proven health hazards is unacceptable.

It is no consolation that your friends or acquaintances indulge in more serious issues. We expect you to maintain friendship and yet not participate in smoking and drinking. 

If all that I have said is accusing you, you need to ask yourself why this situation has arisen in the first place. 

Our ONLY evidence is your stae of  health as observed by mom. 

And *mom has not complained recently*... it is a collective thought I've written down.

If EVERYTHING is wrong, maybe I'm entitled to forgiveness.  If it is true in SLIGHTEST part, remember, we have ZERO tolerance towards smoking g and drinking.

Incidentally, the same goes for didi too.

How to redeem the situation, is your call.

You cannot bluff your way throughout. Health Insurance is a major issue. We DON'T have any health insurance. We remain covered by ECHS.

I cannot get insurance bcoz I've a history of epilepsy. Even though not suffering. Even a single attack in lifetime makes a person ineligible for Insurance.

Similarly Smoking makes you ineligible for insurance. Unlike my case, you will end up paying and paying for insurance but at the time of requirement money may not be paid.

A *nicotine or cotinine test* is used to detect evidence of nicotine use and presumed tobacco usage. READ UP (even years after quitting it can be found)

Remember, even common cold was not covered in Italy.

Add to it your Bronchial Asthama sensitivity. Add to it your injury to foot.

If any of these are declared viz Smoking Asthama or foot injuries... the Insurance will not take risk to cover your medical expenses. 

The ONLY Hospital which covers ECHS in Goa is Manipal, Panjim... which too shall be referred by Military hospitals ... Jeevanti /Nofra Library or Military Hospital (Panjim)... you can't just walk into Manipal hosp. 

If you have an insurance the hospitals are many where you can WALK IN ... 

1. SMRC Chcalim

2. Apolo Madgson 

3. Manipal Panjim 

and many others.

But.. as on date you have no insurance!

 *You will have to tell lies* to get an insurance...

-I have never smoked

-I do not suffer from Asthama

- I've no Injury which was operated upon.

As the hospital gets money from insurance companies, they tell everything to insurance companies and then they say ... you didn't tell us so we are not paying.

Private Medical expenses are PROHIBITIVE even for the well paid. 

Only at GMC it can be done at less cost but they don't have infrastructure.

Insurance shall be major part of your life (unlike ours Govt Hospital) 

While Asthama is a controlled situation and foot injury will not result in any disease... therefore Smoking shall be a serious handicap.

 *Exercise* . You do no physical exercise. 

Remember getting exhausted working is not exercise.

Sweating in sun is north same as sweating during exercise.

Any productive exercise must result in the heart pumping blood .. yoga is best suitable for you as swimming may not be possible everytime.

Food : Veggies & Fruits MUST remain in your menu *everyday*.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Yogendra Yadav Article

